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Ahae Through My Window (Music CD)
Ahae Through My Window (Music CD)


Ahae Through My Window (Music CD)

  • Performed by The London Metropolitan Orchestra
  • Printed/Made in United States
  • Dimensions: 2.75x2.5x1.5 in
  • Weight: 0.1 lbs

Featuring music inspired by the artworks of Ahae, composed and conducted by Lucia Caruso and Pedro da Silva. Contains six songs: Overture - Birds Soaring in Autumn, Snow, Clouds, Sunset, Water Reflections, and Birds in Winter. Each song is uniquely composed for solo instruments (piano, guitar, and Portuguese guitar) and Orchestra. Includes a full-color jacket with text on Ahae, his photo project and how the music, inspired by the photographs, came to be.

Regular price $14.99
Please allow 10-15 days for delivery.
Categories: Music & Media

AHAE Subscription Program

Day and night, Ahae photographed continuously the nature scenes right outside his window. He captured unseen and unnoticed moments in the natural world in its simple and true state. Capturing these everyday moments, he created fine art. And through this process, Ahae showed what art photography can be – photographic artworks can come from the ordinary presented in its natural state.

Ahae made art and nature accessible through his work, allowing people to connect with the subject matter (nature) with ease through the simplicity and understandability of his artwork.

Within Ahae’s photography also lies a simple message – to care for the natural world around us. In his youth, Ahae saw many beautiful parts of Korea destroyed as the country rapidly industrialized. As a result, he developed a deep desire to preserve the country’s natural surroundings. Throughout his life and especially during the years prior to his death in 2014, Ahae supported the preservation and protection of various lands and habitats within Korea. Ahae’s photography project can be seen as an extension and artistic expression of these efforts and activities.

The Ahae Subscription Program continues Ahae’s artistic legacy and hopes to bring his art and its subject even closer to people. Through this program, people have access to Ahae’s photographic images to enjoy them in their lives: they can select images to create prints and products, each customized to their individual tastes. Our hope is to allow people to bring Ahae’s art and its message into their everyday lives.

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